Convertible 280SL Pagoda LHD Automatic (1971)
  • Car Type CATEGORYConvertible
  • Transmission TRANSMISSIONAuto
  • COLOURGrey
  • MILEAGE15,032
  • Fuel FUELPetrol
  • Year YEAR1971


Convertible 280SL Pagoda LHD Automatic (1971)
The Hemmels Vault are incredibly proud to introduce this stunning Grey 1971 LHD 280SL Pagoda, recently brought over from California on behalf of a client. The car has just completed a restoration in the USA, along with some Hemmels 'fettling'. The customer has decided to move the car along due to the size of his current car collection, meaning this opportunity is available for sale. Finished in Metallic Grey, with Cream Leather, the colour combination is stunning. Featuring the Automatic gearbox, the gear changes lovely. An ideal summer cruiser, this car effortlessly powers and sounds fantastic with it's stainless exhaust.


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